A Long Island potato
But yes
We have no bananas
We have no bananas today
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- Next !
- Katharine !
[ Hana ] "The King insisted that
he would find some way...
"to prove beyond dispute...
"that his wife
was fairest of all women.
"'I will hide you in your room
where we sleep,' said Candaules--
- said Candaules."
- Candaules.
Candaules tells Gyges that the Queen has
the same practice every night.
She takes off
her clothes...
and puts them on the chair
by the door to her room.
"'And from where you stand,
you will be able to gaze
on her at your leisure."'
And that evening, it's exactly as
the King has told him.
She goes
to the chair,
removes her clothes
one by one,
until she's standing naked
in full view of Gyges.
And indeed, she was more lovely
than he could have imagined.
But then,
the Queen looked up...
and saw Gyges concealed
in the shadows.
And although she said
nothing, she shuddered.
And the next day,
she sends for, for Gyges
and challenged him.
- And hearing his story,
this is what she said.
- Off with his head !
[ Laughing ]
She said, "Either you
must submit to death...
"for gazing on that
which you should not,
"or else kill my husband
who has shamed me...
and become King
in his place."