What's the punishment for adultery ?
Let's leave it at that.
You're married and you were
fucking another woman, so that's, uh--
- Is it the hands that are cut off ?
- [ Gasps ]
Or is that for stealing ?
Does anyone know ?
Well, you must know.
You were brought up in Libya, yes ?
- Don't cut me.
- Or was it Toronto ?
- [ Telephone Rings ]
- Ten fingers.
How about this ?
You give me a name for every finger.
It doesn't matter who.
I get something,
you keep something.
- I'm trying to be reasonable.
- Don't cut me. Come on !
Are thumbs fingers ?
[ German ]
- I get no help from these people.
- Telephone.
I'm sick of this room, I'm sick of
this heat and I'm sick of this phone !
- [ German ]
- [ German ]
- [ German ]
- [ German ]
- [ German ]
- Ah ! The Geneva Convention !
Hey, come on !
You can't do that !
- Come over here.
- I'll give you names.
- You !
- I'll give you names !
- Come on !
- What names did you say ?
Aaah ! Aaah ! Let me think !
Just let me think !
I can't think ! I know them !
Please, let me think !
I promise !
Oh, please, please, no !
- What name did you say ? I knew them !
- Come on !
- I can't think of any names !
Not my hands ! Oh, dear God !
- What are you waiting for ?
Jesus Christ !
Jesus Christ, no !
I promise !
Oh, please, not my hands !
No ! Jesus !
Jesus ! Oh, dear God !
- Please don't cut me !
- Come on !
Aaah !
No !
Please don't cut !
[ Screaming ]
Don't !
[ Caravaggio ]
The man who took my thumbs ?
I found him eventually.
I killed him.
The man who took my photograph ?
I found him too.