Some of their best people
getting down on their hands and knees,
begging to be spared
the Knighthood.
Isn't that right ? Hmm ?
Isn't that right, Sir Ronnie ?
What's my point ?
Oh, I've invented a new dance.
Anybody up for it ?
It's called--
It's called
the Bosphorus Hug.
Madox ?
Or Bermann ?
You'll dance with me ? Hmm ?
Come on, Daggers.
Let's eat first.
Sit down.
We'll bathe at Brighton
The fish you'll frighten
When you're in
your bathing suit so thin
We'll make the shellfish grin
Fin to fin
They're playing it far too slowly,
but these were the words,
actually, before
they were cleaned up.
Might be a song for you,
Mrs Clif--
[ Madox ] You either shut up
or go home ! You're completely blasted !
- Sit down !
- Absolutely right ! Shut up ! Shut up !
[ Almasy ] Sorry. Sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I can't think
what came over me.
Lashings of apologies...
all around.
[ Continues ]
[ Giggling ]
[ Song Ends ]
Thank you.
[ Slow Song Begins ]
- Why were you holding his collar ?
- What ?
"What" ? That boy.
That little boy.
You were holding his collar.
You were gripping his collar. What for ?
Hmm ?
Is he next ?