Hmm. That makes me
never want to come here.
Then I'd tell myself,
he spends all day
In the night,
he wants to be found.
I do. I do want you
to find me.
I do want
to be found.
I was looking for
Lieutenant Singh.
- He's sleeping.
- Only we've got to go to work.
I'll tell him.
What is it ?
Is it a mine ?
It's a bomb
by a viaduct.
- Does he have to go ?
- Beg pardon ?
What if you couldn't find him ?
Sergeant, not today. Not this morning.
- What's happening ? Am I needed ?
- Afraid so, Sir.
Don't go.
I'm frightened.
This is what I do.
I do this
every day.
Hardy !
Serial number
K-K-I-P 2600, Sir !
I'll get the oxygen.