[ Almasy ]
Hana tells me you're leaving.
[ Caravaggio ]
There's going to be trials.
They want me to interpret.
Don't they know
I'm allergic to courtrooms ?
I come across
the hospital convoy.
They're looking
for this stuff.
This nurse, Mary,
tells me about
you and Hana...
hiding in some
monastery in--
What do you call it ?
Retreat ?
How you came
out of the desert...
and you were burned
and you didn't remember your name,
but you knew the words
to every song that ever was...
and you had one possession:
a copy of Herodotus.
And it was filled...
with letters and cuttings.
Then I knew it was you.
Me ?
I saw you...
writing in that book
at the embassy in Cairo...
when I had thumbs
and you had a face...
and a name.
I see.
Before you went
over to the Germans,
before you found a way to get
Rommel's spy across the desert
and inside British headquarters.
He took some
pretty good photographs.
I saw mine in that
torture room in Tobruk.
So, it made an impression.
I had to get back to the desert.
I'd made a promise.
The rest meant
nothing to me.
What did you say ?
That the rest...
meant nothing to me.
There was a result
to what you did.
It wasn't just another expedition.
It did this.