- And I need-- I need morphine.
- May I see your papers, Sir ?
What ?
If I could just see
some form of identification.
I'm sorry, I'm not making sense.
Forgive me, I-- I'm not--
I've been walking and--
A woman is badly injured
at the Gilf Kabir, the Cave of Swimmers.
I'm a member of the
Royal Geographical Society.
[ Clears Throat ]
Now, if I could...
just take your name.
Count Laszlo de Almasy.
"Almasy." Would you mind
spelling that for me ?
- Look, listen to me, will you ?
- What nationality would that be ?
A woman is dying.
My wife is dying.
I have been... walking--
I have been walking
for three days.
I do not want
to spell my name.
- I want you to give me this car.
- I understand you're agitated.
Perhaps if you'd like to sit down,
I can radio back to HQ.
No. No, don't--
Don't radio anybody !
Just give me
the fucking car !