Got no sleigh with reindeer
No sack on my back
You're gonna see me coming
In a big, black Cadillac
Oh, it's Christmastime,
pretty baby
And the snow
is falling on the ground
Mrs Claus is hot!
Well, you've been
a real good lover...
My name is Samantha Caine.
At least, I think it is.
You might not believe it
to look at me,
but I was born only 8 years ago
on a beach in New Jersey.
I entered the world fully grown,
wearing clothes
I don't remember buying.
In the back pocket a single
key, filed blank and faceless.
A fitting metaphor,
but no help whatsoever. None.
Sometimes I stand naked
in the mirror,
try to guess my age.
35, maybe?
I have lots of scars.
They call my condition
focal retrograde amnesia.
It's no picnic, but I've
learned to live with it.
I've got a job I love,
been seeing someone
nice guy,
good sense of humour.
Oh, mad dogs. Mad dogs.
Hal, I got to tell you.
Of all the Christmas pageants
I've ever seen,
this was by far the most recent.
For God's sakes, Sam,
I've got teenage girls
playing the Three Wise Men.
What did you expect?
Teenage boys?
I thought they did fine.
It was the first nativity
where Joseph stares
at the wise men's tits
all night.
Her name is Caitlin,
and when I woke up
on that long-ago day,
I was 2 months pregnant
with her.
I don't know who her father is.
I may never.
I just know she's mine.
His name is Mr Perkins.
My mom named him for me.
Come help in the kitchen!
That's her.
That's who?
Her mom. She's got amnesia.
Too weird.
Hello, girls.
Caitlin, come help me
in the kitchen.
Hurry up, because
I forget where it is.