He was under the impression that
you disposed of her 8 years ago.
I know it's highly unlikely,
but if she were alive,
I'm thinking
she might be in contact
with the old man
in Massachusetts.
Tap his phone.
Tell Daedalus
I'm on my way. Timothy out.
I can't see Mr Perkins.
He's there.
He's on the sled. See him?
He's watching you.
He's very excited.
Oh, that's better.
Ready to try it alone?
I want you to hold my hand.
Oh, just pretend I am.
You can do it. Piece of cake.
Here we go. Ready?
Mom, it won't work, I swear.
Sure, it will!
You're one of the X-Men.
You're tough.
Ready? Let's go. 3, 2, 1, go!
Wait! I'm not ready!
Keep going! Keep going!
Keep going!
I can't do it.
I want to go home.
Look, I know you're afraid.
That's the whole point.
Can't you see that?
Stop being a little baby
and get up.
I can't skate any more.
My wrist hurts.
Life is pain. Get used to it!
See, you will skate all the way
to the shore, princess,
and you will not fall again.
Am I understood?