It's, uh... It's, uh...
The song's not about linen.
It's not linen.
Yeah. Whatever. So, you cold?
Yeah. Freezing.
Turn on the heat.
It doesn't work, but it makes
a very annoying noise,
distracts from the cold.
I'll pass. Thanks.
Who knew I had an old fianc?
And now we're just going
to pay a surprise visit?
Well, there are no bells
or whistles going off
because I don't remember
any of this stuff.
Oh, jeez, that's too bad,
because that's the cream
of the crop, believe me.
I forgot to ask:
why is it
that you got so far?
Say what?
Well, I mean, you seem kind
of low-rent. No offence.
None taken. Really.
I was about to... hey!
Hey, now!
Whoa! Shit!
Are you OK?
Is your neck all right?
You don't have
any whiplash or anything?
I'm just, since you almost
just ran us off the road,
I'm wondering what it is
that you take away
from an experience like that.
I'm sure that it's very
enriching in some way,
and I know that she was
probably very moved
by having some asshole hang out
the window and go, "Woohoo!"
I didn't hang out the window
and go, "Woo woo woo!"
I checked out her form, OK?
If it's any consolation,
you got her beat hands down.
Yeah, from the neck up.
This is exciting.
You saw her tits. It's so neat.
Look, it's a guy thing,
all right?
Hey, you got
a nice body and all,
but those, you could see them
coming around the corner.
You got time to comb
your hair. Shit.
What's that?
Charly was my name
in the dream.