Oh, shit!
Here. Here. Take this.
Take it. Take it.
All right. I got 3 shots
left in this revolver.
You got a full clip.
Just point and spray, OK?
Fuck it! Run for your life!
There's no way out!
That's a three-storey drop!
Are you crazy?
What happened?
I saved your ass. It was great.
Come on. We got
to get to the car!
Come on! This way! This way!
Come on. Come on.
Get down! Get down!
Get in, both of you. Now!
I said now!
We jumped out of a building!
Yes. It was very exciting.
Tomorrow, we go to the zoo.
You're Waldman.
No, I'm the Hills brothers'
bean buyer.
Who else would I be? Hang on.
Look, if you want me
to talk in front of him,
you may be asked
to kill him later.
It works for me. Your call.
Fire out the back
if you have to.
Jesus, old man. How many
of those things you got?
Three. One shoulder, one hip,
and one here next to Mr Wally
where most patdowns
never reveal it,
as an agent's often reluctant
to feel up another man's groin.
Any other questions?
Yeah. What's the weather like
on your planet?