Charlene, my darling.
My name is Samantha.
Samantha Caine.
No, no, no! Forget all that.
That schoolteacher business
was your cover.
Do you hear me, Charly?
Do you hear what I'm saying?
Your memory was gone.
You got confused.
You bought your own cover.
It was a fantasy,
for Christ's sake!
Samantha Caine never existed.
You wrote the bloody thing.
No. It's not a fantasy!
I'm in the god-damn PTA!
Then quit! You're an assassin
working for the
United States government.
I ought to know. I trained you.
Get the fuck out of here.
Your father was in
the Royal Irish Rangers
assigned to Belfast.
After he was murdered
there in 1975,
his friend Perkins adopted you,
or perhaps I should
say recruited you,
to work for Chapter,
a black bag operation
working from the U.S.
State Department.
You getting this?
October 1988.
You're assigned to take out a
munitions dealer named Daedalus
and his hired enforcer Timothy.
You failed to complete
your mission,
electing instead to die,
of all things,
despite clear orders
to the contrary.
And dead you remained until,
without preamble,
you re-emerge eight years later
and a good deal frumpier.
Anyhow, I think
we can safely assume
that Daedalus is aware
of your resurrection
and attempting to reverse it.
He'll be watching the police,
watching the hospitals.
We must stay away. Understand?
Yes, Mr Henessey?
Can I help you?
Henessey, what is it?
It's a setup. It's got to be.
Put that down. This is not
an episode of television.
Those guys back there
at the train station,
how'd they know
we'd be there?
Impossible, unless
Waldman here told them.
I did nothing of the kind!
They tapped your phone.
I know it sounds preposterous...
They just happened
to know we'd be calling?
Get in the car.
All right.
See here, my friend...
Oh, shit!
Oh! Shit!