He knows just what to do
'Cause I'm a bad motherfucker
Stay quiet
and drop the rifle.
How'd you find us?
There may be many reasons
not to kill you,
but among them is not
that you'll be missed by NASA.
I found the address
in your coat.
Between the address
of a topless bar
and the picture of what looks
like a man's penis.
That's a duck, not a dick.
The man she's with. Who is he?
He's a former fianc.
His name's Luke.
Former fianc?
That's ridiculous!
She was never engaged.
For Christ's sake, I just went
through this with her.
She knows how the man pees.
Look at him. He's cool.
A former fianc.
Why on earth
would she think that?
We found a note that's
in her handwriting.
She saw a note?
Who are you, William Shatner?
Calm down. A note to her uncle.
Uncle Max,
that's the agency,
you blithering idiot!
And the word engage means
she's locked on to the target.
He's not her former lover,
he's a target?
Yes. That's why she knows
personal things about him.
She studied the bastard
to assassinate him!
Stop! He's Daedalus!
Get out of there! It's him!
Run, Charly!
Well, howdy there.
If it isn't the forgetful spy.
How you feeling?