I feel I have a great deal of promise.
- Promise?
- Yes, unlimited potential.
- I graduated near the top of my class.
- Uh-huh.
I see you've been out of school
for a year already.
Well, okay, yes. But I think
that's a little misleading.
I look at this past year
as a period of real growth for me...
in terms of preparation
for the future.
- What are your goals?
- Goals? You mean
in terms of architecture?
Where do you see yourself,
let's say, five years from now?
Oh. Well, um...
It would be great to get this job
so I can get out of my mom's house.
No. Five years from now.
I'd have to say...
Well on my way, sir.
That's where I see myself.
I see a lot of room
for me to grow here,
and I don't want you to concern
yourself with this past year.
I'm the first to admit
I had a little difficulty...
just as far as
forward momentum,
but I've had a lot
of job interviews recently,
and I don't want to say anything,
but I feel like I'm on the verge
of a real breakthrough, I really do.
And I think big things
are gonna happen.
Well, I'm certainly
on your side, Tim.
- Tom.
- Tom.
Tom Thompson.