I'm just saying, he shows up
out of nowhere looking for a record?
I should've seen it coming. I just...
I let things get out of control.
- The same thing happened with Jed.
- Jed?
One minute we're having
this casual conversation...
"Maybe we should live together."
The next thing I know,
I'm getting married.
- This is the guy you were gonna marry.
- Yeah.
I mean, I cared about him, you know,
and he really wanted to get married.
But I guess I wasn't sure,
and I should've told him
that at the very beginning.
I mean, before that whole
marriage thing got started.
Have you ever not told someone something
that you should've told them,
but you were afraid to,
so you didn't,
and then it turned into
a whole complicated thing...
that you never should've
gotten into in the first place?
You kids want some Bosco?
Mom! No!
Oh. I love Bosco.
This is why you
never got first chair.
- What?
- In band.
Mr. Busto wanted you to challenge
Cliff Young for first chair,
but you wouldn't do it.
Oh, my God.
- I forgot about Cliff Young.
- You didn't want to hurt his feelings.
- Well, he loved his solos.
- Yeah, but you were better than he was.
- No.
- You were.
I'll, I'll give
Cliff Young his trills,
but you had it all over him
in the upper register.
How do you remember
all this?
I have a really good memory.
I guess I was always screwed up.
No, you were just worried
about other people's feelings.
Yeah, but the thing is,
you spend your life worrying
about how other people feel,
you sort of lose track,
you know, of how you feel.
Does this have anything
to do with you going away?
Sort of.
My plan...
is to save up, buy a car,
pack all the things
I really care about...