I know plenty of dingy people.
I don't want to know any more.
Miss Archer isn't dingy.
She fills all your requirements.
More or less, of course.
No. Quite literally.
What do you want to do with her?
What you see. Put her in your way.
Isn't she meant
for something better than that?
I don't pretend to know
what people are meant for.
I only know what I can do with them.
I'm sorry for Miss Archer.
If that's the beginning of interest
in her, I take note of it.
You're looking very well.
You never look so well
as when you've got an idea.
They're always becoming to you.
I wish very much
you were not so heartless.
It's always been against you,
and it will be against you now.
I'm not so heartless as you think.
Every now and then
something... touches me.
As for instance,
your ambitions for me.
Why would you think Mrs Touchett's
niece should matter to me when...
...I myself have mattered so little?
That is not what I
meant to say, of course.
When I have known and appreciated
such a woman as you.
Isabel Archer is better than I.