The Portrait of a Lady

for something I want
to say to you.

I can't advise you
without knowing what it is.

But I'm horrid when I'm tired.
I don't believe that.
You're angry sometimes,
that I can believe,

but I'm sure
you're never horrid.

Not even when I lose my temper?
You don't lose your temper, you
find it. And that must be beautiful.

If only I could find it now.
I'm not afraid.
I should fold my arms
and admire you.

What I wish to say is that
I find I'm in love with you.

Oh... No, that had better wait.
No. You may heed it now or never,
as you please.

But after all, I must say it.
I'm absolutely in love with you.
Don't say that, please.
It will not matter to you.
I have neither fame nor fortune,
so I offer nothing.

I think I'm glad
that we're separating.

If you weren't going away,
you'd know me better.

I shall do that some other time.
There's one thing more, a little
service I should like to ask.

I'm going to Rome for a few days.
Would you visit my daughter
before you leave Florence?

Yes, of course.
