There's no question, gentlemen.
We need firsthand intelligence
of the tunnel systems.
- So what about the former warden?
- Died in 1979.
All the guards
we contacted were useless.
Umm... there is someone who,
I think, can help us.
This is for the sake
of national security.
No, it's the sake of national
security that got us here
in the first place 33 years ago.
I knew... I knew someday this would
come back to bite us. Forget it.
- He does not exist.
- He does exist!
We just chose to forget him
for 30 years. We locked him
up and threw away the key.
Oh, and a lot of
goddam good it did us.
He broke out of two maximum security
prisons, and if he hits the streets...
He's not gonna "hit the streets," Jim!
Thirty years ago he was
a highly-trained SAS operative.
He is my age now, for Christ's
sake. I have to get up three
times a night to take a piss.
We can't risk letting him out.
He's a professional escape artist.
[Lock Turning, Door Opening]
Oh, here is now.
- Ah. Neat, uh...
- Yeah.
- Neat, neat plane.
- Dr Goodspeed. James Womack.
- Pleasure meeting you, sir. Thank you.
- Welcome.
You come very highly recommended.
BA, Columbia;
MA, PhD,
Johns Hopkins.
Biochemistry/ toxicology?
Well, I'm one of those fortunate
people who like my job, sir.
Got my first chemistry set when
I was seven. Blew my eyebrows off.
We never saw the cat again.
Been into it ever since. [Chuckles]
- What do you know about VX gas?
- Liquid.
Failed pesticide discovered
by mistake in 1952.
Uh, actually it's kind of
like champagne that way.
The Franciscan monks thought...
they were making white wine, somehow
the bottle carbonated, voila, champagne,