- and then the whole thing...
- The gas, Dr Goodspeed.
It's very, very horrible, sir.
It's one of those things
we wish we could disinvent.
This isn't
a training exercise, is it?
No, Dr Goodspeed,
it's not a training exercise.
[Man Clears Throat]
[Siren Blurting]
- Ernest.
- Good morning, Director.
This is Ernest Paxton, agent
in charge of the West Coast
operation. Dr Goodspeed.
- Pleasure to meet you.
- How do you do, sir?
It's been a fairly interesting day
so far. The prisoner's here. Shall we?
Now, my boys, they haven't been
able to find a file on this guy.
Who is he, anyway, sir?
His name is John Mason,
a British national...
on Alcatraz in 1962;
escaped in '63.
- I was under the impression
that no one escaped Alcatraz, sir.
- Paxton, don't argue!
[Womack] This man
has no identity, not in the
United States or Great Britain.
He does not exist.
I want one thing:
how he escaped the Rock...
specifically, the route he took
through the island's bowels.
Papers are in order, sir.
We're prepared to offer him
a full pardon.
And Paxton, no strong-arming Mason.
I know him too well.
Well, if you know him
then why don't you question him?
No, he'll remember me. I don't want
his anger clouding the issue.
All right,
I'll take care of him.
[Latch Clinking]
Mr Mason, I'm special agent
in charge Ernest Baxter.
In charge of what? Fucking me over
for another three decades?