That rules out the possibility
of you being a field agent.
In point of fact,
I am a field agent, Mr Mason.
- Really.
- Yes.
- In which field?
- Antiterrorism.
Then you're trained in weaponry,
explosives and mortal combat.
Well trained.
- [Slaps Table]
- Then it's the Fairmont Hotel.
I want a suite...
a shower, a shave...
and the feel of a suit.
May I also suggest a...
a haircut.
- Am I out of style?
- Unless you're a 20-year-old
guitarist from Seattle.
- [Inhales] It's a grunge thing.
- Grunge?
Yeah. Well, uh, uh...
Okay. Thank you very much.
All right. Call the Fairmont.
Close the floor if necessary,
but I want him sealed off
and he gets two hours max.
[Coin Clinking]
- Great job, Goodspeed.
- [Paxton] Why don't you
throw in a trip to Tahiti...
- while you're at it?
- I'll deliver this
to the Attorney General.
Ah, no, you'll give it to me.
Give it to me, Reynolds. And
take Attorney Reynolds outside.
There's a car waiting for you.
Thank you.
That's a signed federal document, sir.
Isn't that illegal?
You're not acquainted
with the full facts, Goodspeed.
With all due respect, sir, I'd like
clarification. I gave that man my word.
Damn it! You're on a need-to-know
basis, and you don't need to know!
It's uh, eh, kind of curious,
but, uh...
Sir Walter Raleigh, Alcamedes,
Solzhenitsyn, they, uh...
Well, they were all
wrongfully imprisoned.
[Alarm Sounding]
Now, why am I not surprised?
You piece of shit!
- Hey, peace! Peace!
- [Guard Shouting, Indistinct]