- [Buzzing]
- Just clippers, no scissors.
No scissors? You've got to be
kidding me, no scissors.
I mean, did they tell Picasso
"no brush"?
- With scissors,
this man could kill you.
- I can't cut...
anyone's balls off
with a trimmer, now can I?
Why don't we do this outside?
Get some sun.
Oh! Who did this to you? This is
just not right. In fact, it's nasty.
- Well, it's a... grunge thing.
- Well, it's some kind of thing.
Do you think we have time for a sea kelp
protein pack and maybe some colour?
- No.
- Okay. [Disgusted Sigh]
- Not very nice, is he?
- [Clippers Buzzing]
- No, he's not.
- ?? [Stylist Humming]
[Frank Sinatra]
? 'Cause I'm leavin'?
- ? On a jet plane?
- Hey, somebody ordered it.
Can't let it go to waste.
- ? Don't know when
I'll be back again?
- Don't you ever stop eatin'?
- Not when it's free.
- ?? [Continues]
- We're supposed to be on duty.
- Hey, don't worry. He's an old man.
The boss is watchin' 'im. Come on,
have... Try some of this lobster.
- Mm-hmm.
- My secretary here will settle the bill.
So, what do you have in store
for me, Womack, when this is over?
You'll get your life back,
But you could've given me
my life back years ago.
Why should I trust you now?
You've got my word.
Will you shake on it?
- [Mason Grunts]
- [Womack Screaming]
- [Gasps]
- Freeze, mister!
Oh, man!
Drop the gun...
or I drop your boss.
- You will not!
- Aaah! Get!
- He's gettin' very heavy.
- Then pull 'im up!