Jade, I'm not an evil man.
If you can believe that,
then it's a start.
[Sirens Wailing
In Distance]
Is this about you?
You broke out of prison again,
didn't you?
- Why did you come to me?
- FBI, ma'am.
Your father's working with us.
He's helping us resolve
a dangerous situation.
- He is?
- Yes, ma'am.
Well, gee whiz, John, I guess
we oughta get goin', huh?
Whatever you say, Stanley.
Thank you for that.
You could've handled it differently.
What do you say we cut
the chitchat, a-hole?
You almost got me killed twice,
and my jaw hurts like hell.
- Good.
- Cocksucker!
If I had my way, you would be shipped
back to Wolfburg in leg irons...
and caged like an animal for the
rest of your natural fuckin'life!
You wrecked half the city!
[Electronic Beepings, Phones Ringing,
Low Voices Chattering]
- [Man]
Give me a hand with the system.
- Now, tell me about the tunnels.
If you know the system it will
take you wherever you need to go.
All right, there's an intake pipe here,
below low tide. Is that our best access?
- Yes, that's exactly where I came out.
- Then beneath the cistern...
There's a connection to the abandoned
septic system. How many feet is that?
Ehh... 57 paces.
Where do we go from there?
Where do you go from there?
That's a good question.
I have no idea.