It's about reminding you people
who found it politically
convenient to forget.
This is goin' nowhere,
Well, let me tell you what is: 15 VX gas
rockets into the heart of San Francisco.
You've got 17 hours
to deliver the money.
Or be prepared to reap
the whirlwind, gentlemen.
What's the word
from Mojave?
General Peterson can give us no definite
assurance on the thermite plasma.
That is the word.
Green light
to SEAL incursion.
Fall in!
All right. Listen up.
Mr Mason will run point for us.
Lieutenant Shepard will be
attached to his hip.
You breathe,
he breathes with you.
You piss, he helps.
Dr Goodspeed
is our specialist.
When he neutralizes the threat,
we launch green flares
and we wait for the cavalry.
Make no mistake, gentlemen,
we're in the fight of our lives,
against maybe the greatest
battalion commander...
in the Vietnam War,
I shit you not.
Any questions?
Let's load up!
After you, ace.
Pass out and activate
the Minicams.