The Rock

Oh, yeah, okay. That's just about
the most awful thing I've ever seen.

the second you don't
respect this, it kills you.

Put it over there.
You've been around a lot
of corpses. Is that normal?

- What, the feet thing?
- Yeah, the feet thing.

- Yeah, that happens.
- Well, I'm having kind of
a hard time concentrating.

- Can you do something about it?
- Well, like what? Kill him again?

Listen, I'm just a biochemist.
And most of the time I work in a glass
jar and lead a very uneventful life.

I drive a Volvo, a beige one.
But what I'm dealing with here...

is one of the most deadly substances
the Earth has ever known.

So what do you say you cut me
some friggin' slack?

A really elegant
string-of-pearls configuration.

Unfortunately, incredibly unstable.
Well, what exactly does this stuff do?
If the rocket renders it aerosol, it can
take out the entire city of people.

Really? And what happens
if you drop one?

Happily, it'll just wipe out
you and me.

- How?
- It's a cholinesterase inhibitor.

Stops the brain from
sending nerve messages down the
spinal cord within 30 seconds.

Any epidermal exposure
or inhalation, and you'll know.

A twinge at the small of your back as
the poison seizes your nervous system.

Do not move that!
Your muscles freeze,
you can't breathe.

You spasm so hard you break
your own back, spit your guts out.

But that's after
your skin melts off.

My God.
Oh, I think we'd like God
on our side at the moment, don't you?
