of being behind yesterday's
predawn raid...
on what appears to have been
a drug processing plant...
some 30 miles south of Havana.
- A force of 20 men landed...
- Twenty?
What an insult.
It should have felt like 50.
Three of the men were killed
by Cuban military forces.
They've been tentatively identified
as James Stark, Kevin Westlake...
and Rudy Garcia, all from the U.S.
Talk about how many we killed.
Goddamned bureaucratic bitch.
U.S. Officials deny involvement...
in this independent venture...
utilizing mercenaries and financed
by anti-Castro forces.
Officials went on to say
there was no way such a raid...
- could have been launched...
- In other words...
we no longer officially exist.
In other words,
we're out of a fucking job.
Shit, man. I've got
a mortgage to pay.
Congress will launch a full
investigation into the raid.
Deny American involvement?
Deny that, motherfucker.
You couldn't just
change the channel?
- Kick his ass!
- I fucking changed the channel.
Me and fucking Elvis.
So what do we do now?
We just wait.
Something will come along.
Who is that?
Get that fool!
Get him, boy!
I'll teach you!
Now I'll show you.
You ain't done yet.