- Jerome, are you okay?
- Get off of me.
I don't need your help, dude.
Why don't you try me?
Mr. Tay, I want you out of here.
Both of you, out!
- Fuck you!
- Get out!
Go to class!
- Go to class.
- Please go to class.
Go on. Get out of here.
What is it with you?
You're determined to be O.T.'d?
I'm standing here.
You're always hassling me.
I'm not hassling you, Mr. Lacas.
I'm speaking to you because you're
intelligent, you're a leader.
I need you to look at me
for two minutes, Juan.
I've heard the speeches, Jane.
I don't make speeches. I'm speaking
to you with respect as a person.
You're no person to me, bitch,
so back the fuck off.
- 'Cause if you don't...
- If I don't, what?
You'll fucking wish you did.
What were his exact words?
What were his exact words?
That if I didn't back off,
I'd wish I did.
- No, "fucking" wish you did.
- Yes.
That's terrible.
But technically speaking,
it wasrt a din'ect threat.
You mean he didn't say he was going to
stab me with a knife at 4:15 p. m.
- No, he didn't say that.
- But his attitude was threatening.
- I can't O.T. Him for attitude.
- Look, Claude.
You know me.
I don't quit on my kids.
But this guy is dangerous.
The kids are scared of him.
Believe it or not,
some are here to learn.
I agree,
but I can't boot him out...
without definite proof
of wrongdoing.
I don't want a lawsuit.
Fine. You want proof?
I'll get you proof.
Here she comes.
Cute, sweetheart.
All for nothing, mama.