I went to night school,
got my certificate...
got my masters,
and now here I am.
And running for city council,
I hear.
If the voters are wise.
What's your background, Mr. Smith?
Standard liberal arts education.
I was a government bureaucratic worker.
Mostly in Health, Education
and Welfare department.
Then, uh, I guess, like you,
I wanted to teach.
You won those scars
in the halls of academe?
No. Nuns, eighth grade.
Well, you better get back to work.
I really can't issue those files
to a temporary employee.
- Sorry.
- No problem at all.
Thanks for your time.
Oh, I've got to ask.
Doesrt it make you nervous
wearing a watch like that around here?
This watch was a gift
from the Junior League.
Anyone trying to take this watch
will have to take this arm.
It's been known to happen.
They hack them off with chain saws now.
Students in Wood Shop
made these for me.
Every year at fin'st assembly,
I give a little demonstration.
Power perceived...
is power achieved.
I'd remember that little truism,
Mr. Smith.
It will assist you greatly
in your teaching.
- Nice tie.
- We don't need any insurance.
We might.
You haven't heard the gig yet.
Tell us what it is.
- It's something different.
- Who gives a shit?
I just want to get back
in the action.