we'd have to take the weapons...
thein' AK-47s...
off the enemy dead
and use thein' ammo.
That way we could keep fighting,
keep advancing.
That sounds like a Saturday night
in Miami, you know?
My uncle got his legs
blown off in Vietnam...
but he doesn't talk about it.
- We were there because of Hitler?
- Fuck no, dog.
That's World War I
you're talking about.
No, those were earlier wars.
We were in Vietnam
to fight Communism.
That's why my family left Cuba...
because Castro turned Communist.
- Uh-huh.
- What's up, Mr. Smith?
How many people did you kill
in Vietnam?
I never counted.
Mr. Smith,
you lost any homeboys?
I lost some homeboys.
Me too, dog.
Mostly drive-bys, though.
You ever been shot,
Mr. Whatever Your Name Is?
Yeah, I've been shot.
Check this out.
I've been sliced and shot.
Fuck that shit.
I got shot, you know.
I got an AK in the leg.
That's what I'm talking about.
See you.
Two of your students are in the
nurse's office talking a lawsuit.
Why, is the nurse a lawyer?
Corporal punishment is not allowed
in the Dade County school system.