- Your psoriasis is coming back.
- Why?
"Why ask why?"
As they say on TV.
Stress probably.
Use that ointment from last time.
- Hey!
- For horses. Better for cows.
I've lost two pounds since this morning?
Is that possible?
Relax. Soon you'll be able to see
your balls without using a mirror.
Listen, Cary...
I never really thanked you
for taking care of me.
Never told you what happened
right after that, did I?
Leda and I went to lunch.
When we came out,
that old gyp was waiting for me.
- The one with the...
- Yeah, him.
He walked up and touched me,
right here.
Did he say anything?
How the hell should I know?
I was worried I might catch
impetigo from him.
Or lice!
- I want you to go off this diet.
- Does it look like I'm on a diet?
When did you stop?
About a week ago.
That's another 25 pounds.
That's over 40 pounds
in two weeks?
Make up your mind.
Do you want me fat or thin?
I just...
I was thinking that sudden weight loss
is an early warning sign of...