- What can I do for you?
- I got a crazy question for you.
Go ahead, Counselor.
Do you believe Gypsies
can curse people?
I tend to believe what my friends
tell me and what I can see.
My mother is a different story.
Hold on.
[Speaking Italian]
[Speaking Italian]
[Speaking Italian,
Pretends To Spit]
She says she believes.
She knew Gypsies in the old country.
She says whoever puts it on
has to take it off. No one else can.
No one else.
What's this all about?
I'll get back to you. Thank you.
What happened
at the Rossington's last night?
Leda Rossington thinks that old Gypsy,
Tadzu Lempke, put a curse on Cary and I.
I know how it sounds,
but that's what she thinks.
You see...
Cary has this skin cancer...
Billy, there is no such thing
as a Gypsy curse.
Even if there were, it wouldn't just
be you and Cary that Lempke would curse.
It would be the entire town.
The whole town didn't kill his wife
and then try and cover it up.
It was me and Cary and...
It would be Hopley too.
He was in on the cover-up.