- Good appetite!
- Thank you.
I won't be able to pay you.
It is not my mistake.
One stole from me
the pay of the day.
It is bizarre!
Dad, this keum is ouf.
Let concrete.
Concha, this sheep is extra,
very tender.
Çan'a no sense...
to steal from me your pay.
You are barge!
It is not we, the thieves!
Someone found
my wallet?
He/it accuses us
to have chouravé his/her/its larfeuil?
Listen, Angel.
Here, one is all one family.
No one would have stolen from you
for his/her/its account.
Who to suspect,
to part your family?
Why would one have stolen from you?
I don't know, Concha.
To touch two pays,
I imagine.
Hey well, you are mistaken!
Manual, don't you realize?
I am all alone.