Tieta from Agreste
I start by warning...
I'm not responsiblefor the accuracy of facts.
I don't risk myself,only a fool would do it...
mainly because
each one hasits own truth and reason.
In this case, I seeno perspective of agreement.
Into parts
I thank anyonewho could explain to me...
when we reach togetherthe end, the moral...
if there is a moral,which I doubt.
- Only half of it?- That's what the judge said.
Once Tieta is dead,we, her family...
are entitled to halfof all she had.
And what are we waitingto ask the heirloom to come?
The other half belongsto the widower...
who may be hiding her deathso that he can keep it all.
- Who said Tieta is dead?- Of course she is, Elisa!
Dead, completely dead,absolutely dead! D-E-A-D!
For 11 years and 7 months...
since she marriedthis rich industrialist...
Tieta hassent us a Ietter...