It's Bill's concept.
The Extreme. It came from his brain.
I had a hand in it.
It is great.
What is it?
It's an instrument pack for studying
tornados. First one in history.
It's very exciting.
Scientists have studied
tornados forever...
...but nobody knows
how a tornado works.
We don't know what happens inside...
...because nobody can take
measurements inside the funnel.
That's what she's going to do.
We put her up inside a tornado.
She opens...
...and releases hundreds
of these sensors...
...that measure all parts of
the tornado simultaneously.
You see, it's like this:
These sensors go up the funnel
and radio back information...
...about the internal structure,
wind velocities....
We'll learn more in 30 seconds
than in the last 30 years.
Get a profile for the first time.
What will that do?
If we know how tornados work,
we can design a warning system.
Aren't there warnings already?
-The civil defence--
-They're not good enough.
Right now it's 3 minutes.
If we can get this information,
we can increase it to 15.
Give people a chance to get to safety.
That's what they're trying to do.
I can't believe you did it.
Well, we did it.
How do you get it in?
You get in front of it and
put it in the damage path.
And then get out again quickly.
That's the suck zone.
Excellent! We got major action!
N.S.S.L. says the cap is breaking,
towers are going up 30 miles.
Let's go.