He's in it for the money,
not the science.
He's got a lot of high-tech gadgets.
But he's got no instincts.
And he doesn't have Dorothy.
I think we have fleas.
Jo, come back.
You change your mind?
Yeah. Why's Jonas here?
I'm not sure.
I bet he's asking himself
the same thing about you.
Shit! Hold on!
God damn! Son-of-a-bitch!
This essentially was a false alarm.
The radar appeared solid.
-How long till it's fixed?
-10 minutes, 15 tops.
Sounds good.
What drives me is the unknown.
What if we could predict
the tornado's path?
How many lives would be spared
by an early warning system?
And D.O.T. 3...
...is the answer.
The first digital
orthographic telemeter.
Inside, she holds hundreds
of these sensors which...
...when released into the tornado,
transmit back data on wind speed...
...pressure and dew point temperature.
Why didn't you tell me?
And what will soon be the
center for all studies.
You shit!
Think I wouldn't find out?!
Get him off me!
What's wrong?
What's the matter?
You stole my design, you bastard!