We're getting slammed in here.
You better hang back.
-Is this thing loaded?
-Yeah, go for it.
Rain bands.
Look at the surf.
Shit, horizontal rain! Hang on!
Jesus, I've never seen
clutter like this.
I don't think anyone has.
Flash frequencies are high.
We're in the core.
We got sisters!
Oh, my God.
Julia, I can't talk now.
-We're under the flanking line.
-I realise that.
We can't attack from the south.
We'll get rolled.
Watch me.
I know you're upset. You just must
breathe. We both got to breathe.
I must go, Julia! We got cows!
Another cow!
I think it was the same one.
We got drunkards. We got no path!
Get us out of here!
-I'm trying!
-Floor it!
Look out!