Ride with Dusty, okay?
-What's SELS say?
Let's go!
Where's Jonas?
-He's in Milston.
-30 miles away.
-Can we beat him?
-I'm working on it.
Thanks for stopping by.
Sorry to eat and run.
It's what you live for.
Good to see you.
It's okay.
Tasty cow, Aunt Meg.
It's for you.
Thank you.
You and me, right?
Nice meeting you.
Likewise. You better run.
Please. You're welcome.
Hang on.
We'll go through town.
We'll take Meyers Road past the fire
station, then 132 to the 44 east.
If there's shortcuts, let us know.
Rabbit, time to impress me.
A mile up there's a little detour.
We'll walk in the woods.
It gets bumpy here, folks.
Let's get you wired.