Excuse me.
Okay, you're on.
An ordinary person spends his life...
...avoiding tense situations.
Repo Man spends his life...
...getting into tense
situations, Beltzer!
What do you got?
Turn left here toward that farm.
You sure?
Trust me. Rabbit is good.
Rabbit is wise.
-Mother of God.
-Jesus Christ.
This is a field.
I know. Keep going beyond it,
through that brush.
See that brush right in front of you?
Yes, we see it. What's beyond that?
Beyond what?
Beyond what?
The brush! A brick wall,
a bearded lady, what?
It's the highway!
Where's the road?
Where's the road?
It should be any moment.
She's insane.
You're insane.
You trying to kill someone?
It was nice of you to see 10
people on the road and not stop!
Very good. Let's keep
this channel clear.
Dirt bag.