I've heard that one
of the brothers was shot yesterday
Two chiefs for a special service,
it is getting almost normal
You got controlled?
Yes, Biopsy
It looks like its getting
more and more often around here
I am coming from
the United States of America
Does it hurt?
I'd love to go there and visit
The United States of America
And Europe too
You'll go, believe me you'll go
You are Aniks Soloko?
You are pronouncing it well
Maybe I am mistaken,but the air
is getting more and more disgusting here
During my previous visit,
it was easier to breathe
The gravity was better too
The whole system is out of order.
Everything must be rebuilt
The day, the night
You are interested in me?
No, I am interested in Mac Bee
The agony of a dictator
even if he ends
like Hubu, has always
been interesting for the agencies
Who is Hubu?
A fool
A grotesque one
Its more likely Falstaff then?
Who is Falstaff?
Mac Bee
Show me the picture
There is a stain on your picture
The stain is not on the picture.
It is on Mac Bee
There has been a mistake sir
The suite is no longer available,
you are retrograted to the first floor
Room 12, blue cabin
I am in the red one,
we'll be next to each other
It is not as good as a suite,
because you are not a diplomat
Isn't this a reason good enough?
But I don't like you Sir