- Oh.
- And I guess everybody I know is
either an actor or a model. So.
I'm actually a therapist.
Well, I'm actually studying
to be a therapist.
- I'm almost finished school.
- Well, my actor-model friends
all go see therapists, so...
- Is that right?
- Yeah.
You bite your nails.
That's sort of charming.
Yeah, and... and my toenails.
But I guess that would be
considered less charming.
- Yeah.
- Okay, I have to go.
- Can I have my check, please?
- Oh, yeah.
I'm not usually
this obnoxious.
But I... I'm in this play
for a couple of weekends,
and maybe you could
check it out.
- Good.
- Cool.
- Bye. See ya.
- Okay.
Look at his legs.
Look how they walk.
There's somethin'
wrong with you.
Will you just peek in
and give me some kind of,
you know, description?
Like, just tell me
what it looks like he's feeling?
What are you feeling?
- I feel like an idiot.
- Mmm. That's very interesting.
Why hasn't he called me,
Andrew? I mean, Jesus, look at him.
I thought for once
I could relax.
- I couldn't see his face.
- You didn't try.
- I did. I tried. I looked.
- Oh, my God.
What? Where
you goin'?
Oh, my God. Okay, let's go
in the coffee shop.
- No, I don't wanna.
- Please, Andrew. Please!
- No.
- I just want him to see me
with you. Please?
If you wanna talk to him,
go talk to him. I'm not
gonna play into this.
He's an asshole.
He should have called you.
- I'm goin' home.
- Why are you going home?
- I'm expecting a phone call.
- From who?
Virginia? I thought
you said you weren't
gonna talk to her again.
Yeah, I know, but I... Anyways,
I want to watch these videos.
- You should rent them from him!
- Yeah, so.
More porno?
You know, it's
an addiction, okay?
Do you understand the word
"addiction"? I don't feel
good about it, and you...
- Andrew. I don't think
it's hurting anyone. Okay?
- You don't?
- No.
- I mean, I know that, but...