Walking and Talking

I thought you were gonna move
paintings for that rich guy.

I am.
That's next week.

What do you think? Could I
borrow a couple of bucks just
to get me through some bills?

- Sure. How much?
- Mmm. Couple hundred.

You know, your dad is
not as bad as I pictured.

No, he's great.
It's my mom who's pathetic.

Why? She
seemed nice.

You met her for five minutes
and you think you know her
better than I do?

Fuck you.
- Fuck you.
- You were rude.

It's none of your business.
You asked me
to come with you.

- I can pay you next week.
- Good. I'll need it.

Where you goin'?
I'm goin' home.
Where you goin'?

I was, uh... I was gonna go
to the phone company, pay my bill.

Okay. So I'll
see you later.

Wait a minute!
You're gonna pay your
phone bill with the money
I just gave you?

Are you crazy?
Give me back my money.

- Why? You lent it to me.
- Give it back to me, Andrew.

You are so low! You think
I'm gonna pay for you to have
phone sex with that girl?

- They're gonna cut off
my service if I don't...
- Give it back.

Give it back!
****[Soft Love Song]
I can't believe that
you would say that on my machine.

- ****[Continues]
- What were you thinking?

Well, you didn't
even like the guy,

so I... I guess I was
thinking that he wouldn't
be in your apartment.

I do like him.
And now he doesn't
want to see me again.

I'm sorry I hurt his feelings.
I really am. I...

I mean, it didn't
really seem like he was
right for you anyway.

Oh, well, now he isn't.
I'm sorry.
Do we really have to
listen to this vagina music
all the way there?
