I knew you
wouldn't understand.
You think getting married
is the be-all and end-all
to life, and it's not.
I don't understand, Laura.
You have some great guy
at home mooning over
your fucking socks,
and you're out sleeping
with some stupid actor?
Who said I was
sleeping with anybody?
I went to a play!
Forget it. Okay?
Just forget I ever said
anything. Just forget it.
- Bye-bye.
- Don't.
- Forget it.
- [Phone Rings]
- Hello?
- [Man] How you doin', baby?
- You wanna get fucked, don't you?
- Hello?
Bend over. Bend over.
I'm comin' over there.
Oh, man, you're so hot.
Oh, I know you're hot!
Oh, oh...
Laura. Laura, I just got
an obscene phone call.
- So hang up.
- I did. I'm creeped.
[Phone Rings]
[Ringing Continues]
- What, pervert?
- [Heavy Breathing]
- Are you there?
- I want you to take those
clothes off. I'm comin' over.
- Oh, I really want...
- Who is this?
Oh, come on, I'm comin'!
[Slams Receiver]
[Line Ringing]
- Hello?
- Andrew, it's me.
- Are you back?
- No, I'm in the country.
Listen, I'm really scared.
- I just got two obscene
phone calls, and...
- So? Come on.
- I didn't think they had 'em
in the country!
- Of course they do!
- What if he comes here?
- Aw, c'mon! He's not gonna do that.
Listen, it's only an hour
on the train. Please.
- I hope he calls back.
- I don't.
What do you mean?
That's what I came here for.
I hate those sickos.
They're the lowliest,
slimiest... Hello, cookies!
Mmm. Papa likes.
I mean, it's one thing
to be sexually deviant,
but to hide behind the phone
like that, hey.