- Looks gruesome.
- That no makeup thing.
That's actually very in.
Self, March issue.
Anyway, Alex, tell us what happened
last night. How did you do it?
- Do what?
- Dump Kyle.
Why would I do
a stupid thing like that?
Kyle's perfect.
- Alex, hello.
- You hit the limit.
- What limit?
- The three-month max.
Rule three, designed to maximize
our experience with different men.
As of midnight last night,
the clock was up on Kyle.
We reminded you yesterday.
I thought the plan...
was to ask him over for dinner,
do a little hot tub...
call him a sick puppy
and then send him on his way.
How could I have?
I'm sorry.
- Can I talk to you a minute?
- What could there be left to say?
Just give me a second, please?
All right. Fine.
Okay. Kyle, whatever I said last night,
I didn't mean.
I wasn't being myself.
Let's go for a walk this afternoon
like old times.
Listen, Alexia,
I have practice after school.
I'm not interested in going with someone
who calls me a sick puppy.
I can understand why you'd be angry...
how can you resist me?
I'm sorry.
I haven't been myself lately.
Can't we just get together
after practice and talk?
I could give you a ride home.