Abre los ojos

Are you OK?
-Did you arrive safely?

I had the most terrible dream.
-That you'd never see me again.

I left your place and then that crazy
chick had been following me.

Who, that Nuria girl?
She offered me a ride
which I couldn't refuse.

So I got on and she starts driving
faster and faster...

...finally she drives herself straight
into death and me too.

The worst thing is my face was
completely deformed.

Like the Phantom of the Opera.
I just couldn't wake up.
I was a monster.

You're a monster anyway.
-Oh yeah?

And me too, look.
Was your house OK?
Was anyone there?

Why would there be anyone there?
-There was a party remember?

A party?
Dreams are a disaster.
This was a lovely dream. A park,
a girl that loves me...

Exactly. When you wake up
you'll want to be dead.

At first I didn't even have the strength
to react.

I was in a coma for three weeks.
You could've been dead
like Nuria.

I would've been better off that way.
Have you seen her body?

Do you think she's not dead?
-I'm just like you.
