I've been going nuts.
I was up all night.
I remembered your notion
how it was two burglars.
Around dawn, I thought,
"What if it's not two burglars...
...but just one guy trying
to make it look like two?"
I called my buddy at the Bureau.
They keep track.
There's only half a dozen guys
who could've done the Sullivan job.
I've been tracing all six.
Whitney's the only guy
that lives here.
- Why haven't I ever heard of him?
- He hasn't been arrested in 30 years.
What's this? His graduation
picture from Harvard?
That's history.
He was just a punk, part of a gang.
Three-time loser.
Since he got out last...
...no one's touched him.
When something big comes up,
they question him, but nothing sticks.
Oh, Seth.
We can make this stick.
I bet you he's our guy.
He's a local.
You can't ask for anything more.
Well, we got a problem.
He hasn't killed anyone in 45 years.
So what? He's a veteran.
Not just a veteran,
he's a wounded veteran.
I got his war record here.
Battles, commendations,
decorations up the kazoo.
He lives alone on disability.
That's what he says anyway.
But I don't see him as a killer.
He's just a great thief.
And besides, I don't do war heroes.