He left in a hurry. I wonder what
scares a professional thief like that.
He wasn't at these places.
My college graduation...
...my law school graduation,
the night my mother and I...
...we went out to celebrate
because I'd gotten my first job.
Me alone on the steps.
I'd won my first case.
I used to think sometimes...
Sometimes I'd come home and could sense
that he'd been in the apartment.
That he'd checked the fridge, shook
his head because I never ate right.
I mean, I know it sounds crazy,
but I've always...
I've always felt
that he was around.
You can do a good thing.
Help me bring him in.
Leave a message
you're worried about him.
It's true. You're worried.
This is no normal case.
His life is in danger.
You call, you could save him.
He won't come.
Of course he'll come.
You're all he has.
He's on the run and he's scared
because he'll get caught.
- You don't know the heat.
- He's not a murderer.
Maybe he is innocent.