Turn it up. l can't hear them.
Oh, that.
You'll never believe this.
l'm walking through washington Square...
...and there's this stupid man.
You know, some guy with a monkey.
A street performer?
That son of a bitch, yeah.
The monkey jumps on me
and won't get off my back.
You're kidding.
The people all around, they are laughing.
And the monkey is kissing me, kissing me.
l think it peed on me. lt stinks.
What is she laughing at?
l don't know.
What do you think of the story?
l'll show you what l think.
l'll get you.
Let's forget about the Hamptons.
lt's going very well, don't you think?
Drink up, buddy,
'cause tonight we're going in.
There they go.
We want to go to the Long lsland railroad.
ldiot never even changed the lock.
Close it.
lt's so much smaller than it looks on TV.
ln the couch.
ln the couch. Don't make it obvious.
-You're kidding.
-Just do it.
Why were you wearing them?