Did you bring them?
What l just did was the most
revolting thing l've ever done.
Harold Matheson,
the food critic for the Times.
Big step.
Are you sure you're ready for this?
l Want everyone to do a good job tonight.
l want everything perfect.
Didier, l can see this is not good!
And you, dishwasher,
you don't drop a dish tonight.
l want everything perfect for the bastard.
Heaven for the pig.
Gimme, gimme.
l've created a monster.
l asked your steward for a Chenin Blanc...
...and he brought me this.
You have any idea how that happened?
l took the liberty, Mr. Matheson.
lt's from my private reserve.
You know, if l had a suspicious mind...
...l'd think you're trying to get
on my good side.
l thought you would enjoy the year.
l'd say that your little ruse
is working very well...
...especially if you could locate
another bottle.
Well, certainly. Excuse me.
We might find a bottle or two.
Enjoy your meal, Mr. Matheson.
l've just come back from France.
Whereabouts are you from?
lt's just Beaucaire.
lt's just a small province
in the south of France.
Oh, Beaucaire.
l know that. lsn't that near NÎmes?
ls that near NÎmes?
Excuse me?
ls that near NÎmes?
Yes, it's near there.
Oh, my God!
Did you see that?
l remember.