Air Force One

apprehended the self-proclaimed leader
of Kazakhstan...

General Ivan Radek.
The forces of Radek were directed
toward the suppression of democracy.

His nuclear arsenal
could have brought the world...

into a new cold war.
But thanks to the support of one
of the world's greatest leaders...

Radek is now in prison.
Today we are honoring this brave man.
Ladies and gentlemen,
my friend...

the president of the United States
of America.

The dead remember our indifference.
The dead remember our silence.
I came here tonight
to be congratulated.

But today when I visited
the Red Cross camps...

overwhelmed by the flood of refugees...
fleeing from the horror
of Kazakhstan...

I realized I don't deserve
to be congratulated, none of us do.

- What's he doing?
- That's not the speech.

The truth is...
we acted too late.
Only when our own national security
was threatened did we act.

Radek's regime murdered over 200,000
men, women and children...
