- We'll avoid the press.
- Is the president secure?
Not yet. The recovery team
will have him very soon.
"Air Force One"...
this is Halo Flight Lead;
you are under escort.
All airspace has been cleared.
Alert force has been mobilized.
- Is everyone here?
- We're working on it.
How did this happen?
How did they get "Air Force One"?
Gentlemen. Mr. Secretary.
Ramstein tower, we are at ten mile--
Final coming in red-hot.
Roger, "Air Force One." Wind is
0-niner-0 at 1-2. You are clear to land.
Get down! Now!
Open the door!
Open the door!
No matter what happens, we land
this aircraft. Is that understood?
Come on. Flaps 30.
Flaps 30.