Air Force One

It's a good deal.
How's your blouse?
What assurances do I have
that you'll keep your word?

I'll wait for confirmation that
General Radek has been released.

Until then...
I will execute a hostage
every half an hour.

You have my word.
You must understand that we--

They're off!
Damn it!
Nobody does this...

to the United States.
The president will get back his glove
and play catch with this guy's balls.

We can't do anything in half an hour.
We need more time.

He's a zealot. Tough to negotiate with.
All you can do is wear them down.

Mr. Secretary!
We found the escape pod.
It's empty.
So where's the president?
I think we have to acknowledge
the possibility...

that the president
may be dead.

Why wouldn't they tell us?
Try to buy some time.

It could have happened in a cross fire,
and they're afraid we'll retaliate.

Damn right, we'll retaliate.
We'll release Radek into the atmosphere.
