to combat the piercing cold.
For other humans, the cold
has posed a mortal threat
recorded dramatically
in images of another age.
In 1897, one of history's
largest gold strikes
a quarter-million "stampeders"
through the snowbound passes
of Alaska
towards the gold fields
of the Klondike.
Anticipating easy wealth
they trudged headlong
into an lce Age.
Half the prospectors would never
even reach the gold fields.
Arriving ships were
marooned eight months by ice.
Many attempted to make
the journey with pack horses.
The animals died
by the thousands.
Hundreds of men died
from exposure
or were buried alive
in avalanches.
Of the quarter million who came,
perhaps 400 struck it rich.
yet some who failed to find
easy wealth were inspired
by the challenges
of this new land.
Like waves of others
across the ages
they adapted to Alaska
and stayed on.
Five, four, three,
two, one... go.
Before a crowed
that includes descendants
of those "stampeders"
dog sled teams set out
from Anchorage each year
to commemorate the Gold Rush
in a thousand-mile race
known worldwide as the lditarod.